
  1. 2025 TCHES 논문 게재, "A Framework for Generating S-Box Circuits with Boyar–Peralta Algorithm-Based Heuristics, and Its Applications to AES, SNOW3G, and Saturnin"

  1. Computers & Security 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 4.8), "How to decrypt files encrypted by Rhysida ransomware without the attacker’s private key"

  1. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 2.0), "Analyzing the Web and UWP versions of WhatsApp for digital forensics"

  1. 2024 한국정보보호학회 동계학술대회 정보보호학회장상 수상, "차분 및 선형 공격에 대응을 위한 경량암호 MGFN의 필요 라운드 수 분석"

  1. 2024 국가암호공모전 국가정보원장상 및 다수 수상 / 정보보안암호수학과 학생들 [LINK]

  1. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 2.0), "Forensic analysis and data decryption of tencent meeting in windows environment"

  1. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 8.2), "On Impossible and Truncated Distinguishers for IoT-Friendly AEAD Algorithms"

  1. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 2.2), "A Novel Framework to Construct S-Box Quantum Circuits Using System Modeling: Application to 4-Bit S-Boxes"

  1. 2024 한국디지털포렌식학회 하계학술대회 한국저작권보호원장상 수상, "네이버 앱 생태계에 대한 포괄적인 아티팩트 분석"

  1. 2024 한국정보보호학회 하계학술대회 국가보안기술연구소 소장상 수상, "블록암호 MGFN의 전체 라운드에 대한 선형 공격"

  1. 김기윤 연구원, 우수신진연구자 한국인터넷진흥원 원장상 수상 

  1. IEEE Transactions on Computers 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 3.7), "Towards Finding S-Box Circuits with Optimal Multiplicative Complexity"

  2. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 1.6), "Preimage Attacks on Reduced-Round Ascon-Xof"

  1. Electronics 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 2.9), "Forensic Analysis of wxSQLite3-Encrypted Databases and Its Application"

  1. arXiv 논문 등록, "A Method for Decrypting Data Infected with Rhysida Ransomware" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.06440)

  2. 김기윤 연구원, 부총리 겸 교육부장관 표창장 수상 [LINK]

  1. MobiSec23 ETRI Best paper, "A Novel Framework to Construct Quantum Circuits of S-Boxes : Application to 4-bit S-Boxes"

  1. Computers & Security 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 5.6), "A Study on Vulnerability of the Wickr Login Sytem in Windows from a Live Forensics Perspective"

  1. 세계 최초 Rhysida 랜섬웨어 복구 도구 개발[LINK]

  1. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 2.0), "Forensic analysis for multi-platform Cisco Webex"

  1. DFRWS USA 2023 accepted, Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 논문 게재, "A study on cloud data access through browser credential migration in Windows environment"

  1. Journal of Information Security and Applications 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 5.6), "A Method for Decrypting Data Infected with Hive Ransomware"

  1. 세계 최초 HIVE 랜섬웨어 통합 복구 도구 개발[LINK]

  1. ETRI Journal 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 1.4), "Quantum rebound attacks on reduced-round ARIA-based hash functions"

  1. 2022 한국인터넷정보학회 춘계학술대회 우수논문상 수상, "NIST 경량 해시함수 Ascon-Hash의 양자 충돌쌍 공격을 위한 MILP 모델 개발"

  2. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 2.0), "A Study on Data Acquisition based on the Huawei Smartphone Backup Protocol"

  1. Journal of Information Security and Applications 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 5.6), "A Reused Key Attack on an Encrypted Mobile App Database: Case Study on KakaoTalk and ProtonMail"

  1. Quantum Information Processing 논문 게재 (Impact Factor 2.5), "Quantum Cryptanalysis of the Full AES-256 Based Davies-Meyer, Hirose and MJH Hash Functions"

  1. arXiv 논문 등록, "A Method for Decrypting Data Infected with Hive Ransomware" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.08477)
